Our Mission: To build and strengthen community through storytelling. Become a gathering place for artists and community members to explore and celebrate the human experience.
In support of the Ghostlight Project our Artistic Director, jeff croff, was asked to participate in Lansing's event. He and seven other theatre leaders joined together in committing to creating a space where persons from all walks of life and backgrounds could come together and explore our lives and what it means to be human. Below are his comments.
A brave space
Not a left space
Not a right space
Not hard space
Not a soft space
A space that casts a bright light
A space prepared to turn that light on life itself and explore the cracks and blemishes, yet still celebrate the magic and mystery of our existence
A space that unflinchingly endures the harshest of words, while offering solace and understanding at the end
In spite of all the protestations in the world to the contrary, this space bravely seeks to find the commonality and love at the core of all people
It isn’t an easy path, but theatre is brave. It will take us into world’s we never thought of and some of which we may hope never to return to, but the goal isn’t shock or novelty. The goal is an examination of life. The intent is to understand. To bravely stand before the toughest of thoughts; the harshest of words and the cruelest of intentions, theatre invites us all to show the fortitude and grit it takes to be truly human.
Ixion is committed to being a space where we all can come to learn more about ourselves. A space where we can all bravely share our humanity and be emboldened by it. To unflinchingly look at all facets of our world and know that it is overflowing with difference and others. A space where we can welcome a global family.
Ixion has and will continue to welcome persons from all walks of life, all religions, all ethnicities, all cultures and all political persuasions. We welcome everyone not because we always agree, but because we always learn when we come together. We gain far more from our encounters than we do from our separations. We will always be a place that bravely embraces our differences and welcomes those differences on the stage and in the audience. We are committed to being a brave space.--jeff croff